Tuesday, July 10, 2012

About Why God Gives Us Babies.

I think I know why God gives us babies. Because I've been thinking a lot about babies and why I want one, and why it's so difficult to be patient and wait for God even though it's the right thing to do right now.

You find this person, and your love grows and you say, yes I can spend my every day with you, and so you praise God by marrying him. 

You spend your every day together, and your love grows. You make a romantic dinner, and some of the love shines and goes into the world, but it comes back multiplied. And he makes you tea when you're sick and puts ice cubes in it because he knows you don't like it when it's boiling hot, and the love shines and goes out, and comes back multiplied again. 

And all the little hand-holding moments, sorting-out-problems moments, quiet moments, silly moments multiply the love until your heart overflows with love. 

You want to show the love and let it shine, but it seems like there's not enough little things to do, and not enough ways to let it out. And no words can describe it, and no actions can express it. Until it's too much and when he leaves for work sometimes you want to cry and hold on tight. 7 hours is too long until you see him again. 

So God gives us babies for two reasons. 

Babies are the best way to let our love shine. They are the ultimate definition of the love between two people. You take your love and put it in something that perpetuates it. It's like letting your heart outside of you on a leash and giving it time to shine and soak up the sun and make the world more beautiful. 

They also give you a part of your partner to have by your side when they're gone. You can look at your baby and see him, and remember him and your love, and see what you created, and be reminded of what life is really all about.  

So we praise God for our love and thank Him by having babies and we show him that His sacrifice was worth it and we can do something good with ourselves even though sometimes we feel like we're failing at everything else. We can still be good at our love.